What to do with dead leaves in garden
What to do with dead leaves in garden? Leaf clearance seems to be one of those jobs that is endless. But if you are lucky enough to house a large tree in your garden the fall of leaves is stunning. The variety of colours, shapes and sizes are truly beautiful....
How to apply autumn lawn feed
How to apply autumn lawn feed A good quality Autumn lawn fertiliser is the perfect way to ensure your lawn is prepared for the colder winter months ahead. It should contain a slow release fertiliser so that you don’t get a surge in grass growth. It will also...
The weird and wonderful
Nothing surprises me more than nature. And yet, as soon as we see something we just accept it, because its nature. A few weeks ago, whilst working near some English Oak trees I noticed a woody material had fallen to the ground around the base of the tree. It was too...
Why do trees lose their leaves
Why do trees lose their leaves? The shortening days, cooler temperatures and falling leaves, signal the start of Autumn. Not my favourite time of year but nonetheless, a great time to reflect on the year so far. Trees lose their leaves to preserve energy, they draw...
will admit to being a grass geek. Its what I do.
The simple things in life! And that’s the view I take on gardening. It should not be made complicated.
For the grass plant to be healthy it needs: soil, water, sunlight, air, nutrition and pruning. Cultural practices such as scarification will help with the air part.
With these 6 ingredients it is highly likely you will have a very good lawn surface.